
How to Progress in Your Career and Earn a Degree During Turbulent Times

Since you do have more time on your hands, it’s important to use it wisely. Though the pandemic might continue for another year, this time could be well-spent learning a new trade. That way, you are never put in such a financial position again.

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Right now, things are uncertain.  Recent events changed the way the world functions. You may not be an essential worker and have lost your job. This is nerve-wracking for you, but there is still hope. Now it could be the best time to learn something new.

1. Why Is It More Beneficial Now?

While it’s true that you don’t know what’s going to happen in the foreseeable future, you know that you’re not working much currently. You may have taken a lower-paying job in an essential field to make money during the crisis. While many companies now offer hazard pay, it might be a one-off deal or may not cover all of your expenses. It’s often better to learn the skills you need to get a higher paying job.

Whenever a pandemic comes about, there is always a need for healthcare workers. Therefore, many people are becoming interested in this industry. Now is the time to consider healthcare degrees. Of course, the trades are also doing a booming business. With either of these career options, you can continue working, regardless of what happens globally.

Since you do have more time on your hands, it’s important to use it wisely. Though the pandemic might continue for another year, this time could be well-spent learning a new trade. That way, you are never put in such a financial position again.

Some people could be working from home right now. Though you might be doing the same hours, you’re not traveling as much. That extra time could be put toward an online degree to better yourself for your current company or get a new career

2.What Government Grants Are Available?

Most of the same government grants are still available. These include the Pell Grant and many of the others.

However, there is a new one that was created because of the pandemic. Called the CARES Act, it is designed to help people negatively impacted by COVID. It’s a little confusing to understand at first because this economic aid was sent directly to those affected.

However, over $2 trillion was allotted for the United States. Roughly $14 billion of that money was provided to postsecondary education needs. It’s called HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund).

Eligible institutions had to apply for the programs available if they qualified. Recently, the application period was extended. The HEERF programs include:

  • Student Aid
  • Institutional Aid
  • MSIs
  • HBCUs
  • SIP
  • FIPSE Formula

As a student, you don’t have to know which program you require. Though this money isn’t Title IV aid, you must qualify to receive it to be eligible for the emergency grant.

Remember, this money is not based on your financial need during the crisis. Instead, it’s designed to help with expenses you now face because of campus closings and other issues. Also, your institution has to pay you directly from the funding. This money cannot go to any outstanding charges from the institution.

While the government is doing its best to help, colleges are also stepping in and filling the gap. Many of its students don’t qualify for federal relief because they are noncitizens. Some colleges are creating new education grants, and anyone can apply. These can help you cover expenses for the year.

You don’t have to be enrolled already to qualify, though many of the grants have been exhausted already.

3.What Should I Study Now?

It’s hard to decide what you want to study, but many people choose healthcare degrees. We take a look at various options:

Online Courses

Online degrees can be earned from home, which means you don’t have to go to a campus. Since many have closed, this might be the best choice. Plus, it can save money and time and still allow you to work and take care of your family.

Nursing Degree

Nursing degrees are popular currently because there is a shortage of nurses. You may find fast-track options that allow you to get into the workforce sooner. That way, you put your skills to good use and help others during the crisis.

Healthcare Degrees

You can find various healthcare degrees, such as administration, management, billing and coding, transcription, etc. These are indirectly related to the industry and are still needed in the pandemic.

Homeland Security Degree

Most people don’t think about homeland security as a career path, but it’s essential right now. With it, you can offer emergency management services (FEMA), become an EMS, firefighter, or first responder. You may also consider working in cybersecurity as an IT expert. Prevent hackers from gaining access to data or networks.

Accredited Degrees

Make sure that the degree you choose is accredited. Sometimes, you need this to become licensed (such as a nurse). The school must also be accredited to offer federal grants, loans, and scholarships.

Trade Schools

Trade schools are often a great choice, especially during the crisis. Courses are usually short and completed on your time. You also get assistance with job placement and learn a trade that can benefit you for many years to come.

Associate Degrees

Associate degrees are often overlooked for a bachelor’s degree, but they can help you learn the appropriate skills to advance or change careers.


During the pandemic, you should take a long look at your career and where you’re going. If you’re in school or want to go back, now could be the best time. There are countless financial aid options available, especially for those who take on healthcare degrees. Choose to change your career and do something you enjoy while helping others.

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